Animal Groups Roleplay Wiki



The Pack Of Shattered Faith/Hierarchy
The Pack Of Shattered Faith/Members and Memories
The Pack Of Shattered Faith/Shipping Page
The Pack of Shattered Faith/Vocab Page


«And Meet Us...»

You trudged Slowly through the Shadowy Jungle. The Dark Canopy Covered and Blocked out the Sunlight, Turning the Forest into a Shadow. You Narrowed Your Eyes as You Continued through the Thick Shrubbery, The Cries of Unknown Birds and the Buzzing of Cicadas Ringing in your Ears. You Stopped in Panic as a Large Eagle Screeched, Swooping down and Carrying off a Shrieking Badger, Who Writhed in Its Grasp. It could carry me off! You shuddered, Thinking of the Cruel Talons.

Trembling, You continued On, Ambling up the Side of a Slope, Leaping Clumsily from Ledge to Ledge. The Leaf Litter on the Floor Crunched as You Walked on them. You Continued, Your Pelage Sweaty and Hot from the Damp, Humid Air. You Leaped as a Trickle of Rainwater, Which was Preserved in a Cupped Leaf, Trickled onto our Head as you Swayed Past the Plant.All of Sudden, A Loud Rang Filled the Air, And As Soon as you Turned Around, A Massive, Male Golden Tiger Lunged From the Undergrowth, Ascending onto Your Back While his Claws Scored Down Your Flank. 

You Screeched and Kicked him Off with a Strangely Powerful Force. The Golden Tiger, Blinked before Backing Away Awkwardly. Before you could Catch a Breath a Lioness Shot out of the Shrubbery, Smashing into Your Ribs. The Impact Caused you to Fall, And the Lioness Shook Her Head before Rearing onto her Hind Legs. As She Crashed Down onto your With her Claws Outstretched, You Lashed at her Rhinarium, Spraying Bloody Mist into the Shadowy, Damp Air. She Yowled in Pain before Glaring at you with Eyes Full of Hatred and Shock. Another Shadow, As Big as the First Two, Slid From the Shade of a Baobab Tree, Circling You.

The Male Bengal Tiger Lunged, But Before He Could Reach Your Throat You Bit into his Muzzle, Shaking Him Away. You Felt the Satisfactory Feel of Flesh Tearing Beneath your Teeth. The tiger Ripped Away From you, Blood Pouring from the Wound.As You Caught your Breath, A Large, Tawny-Citrus Tigon Leapt from a Tree Branch, Her Eyes Observant, and Wise. You Trembled, She was nearly Twice the Size of All of the Others, and Her Scars Awarded her Victories in Battles. You Lashed your Tail Menacingly, Baring your Teeth."Trespasser," The Tigon Snarled,"You Have no Rights to be in the Pack of Shattered Faith Territory, Now Leave! Scram Before we Tear you Apart!"

You Backed Away from the Leader's Threat, Your Pelage Burning. Blood Trickled Down You Cheek and You Felt Dizzy. "I-I Am Looking for A Pack.." You Trembled, Dipping your Head Awkwardly.

The Lioness Exchanged an Amused Glance with the Male Golden Tiger. And the Male Tiger Chuckled in a Deep, Menacing Tone.

"Can'tou? Senia? Malakai? Shall we Let Him/Her Join us? Is He/She Worthy Enough?" The Tigon Turned to The Three. Senia, The Lioness, Lapped her Mitt Before Batting at her Lacerated Nose Before Dipping her Head in Agreement. The Golden Tabby Tiger, Can'tou, Who Limped Beside her, Blinked in Approval. Malakai, The Male Bengal Tiger Licked Droplets of Blood away from his Maw, before Lashing his Tail in Acknowledgement. "Yes Aislinn, He/She has Proven Himself/Herself Worthy." "Trespasser, I Grant your Request in Search of Shelter, Hopefully, You Will Live With us in Respect and Care. Follow." She Grunted, Sprinting away. The Others Followed her, and You Tagged Behind, A flicker of Hope Burning in your Chest. A Strange Energy Came into your Limbs as Your Followed them Through The Shadows. Their Swift Pace Slowed as they Came to A Clearing. You Gasped in awe. The Clearing was Full of Different Varieties Felines and Canines, Who Talked to One another, Ate and Slept on the Sun-Heated Stones. Their Heads All Lifted at the Newcomer.

"Welcome To The Pack of Shattered Faith!" They All Rang out.

«Basic Information»

Status No longer active
Recruiting and Alliances? Nope
Member Count 0
Allowed Species

Canidae (Dogs/Wolves)

Felidae (Large Breeds/Small Breeds)


Roleplay Status Descriptive / Advanced / Traditional / Some Latin
Orientation Neutral
Recreated 8/28/16
Tag Color Green
Camp XxWolfeiexX's Den
Territory ---
Theme Song Wild Things

Alessia Cara - Wild Things (Official Audio)-0

Alessia Cara - Wild Things (Official Audio)



1) No Disrespecting Higher Ranks, Nor Should You Disrespect Someone For No Reason.

2) You May Not Challenge For A Rank, Unless Confirmed By All 4 Cheifs.

3) Drama Within RP Does Not Carry Out To Outside Of RP.

4) DO NOT Double Pack/Clan, For That Is Highly Offensive To Both Groups.

5) Do Not Cause Unneeded Drama With Other Groups.

6) NEVER Kill An OC In Your Pack Without Their Or The Cheifs' Approval.

7) Cheifs' Word Is Law.

8) You May Not Hurt Anyone Without The Cheifs' Approval.

9) Anatomy and Latin are allowed, but you must inform one of the higher ranks where you get your Anatomy/Latin from. Also, don't over-power your movements with Latin, and don't speak Latin.

10) Stay Respectful, Show Responsibility, And Saftey ONLY When Needed.

11) Only Cheifs may accept alliances, while Cheifs and Monarchs may accept members.

12) Never criticize someone else's RP.

13) You must be active, or you will have your rank lowered. If you do not get on still, then we will remove you. ( Once you reach 30 days without explanation, you will be kicked from the pack till you come back)

14) You may not criticize anyone's sexuality, race, age, etc.

15) This is to other packs who have an issue with us or our members: Confront Aislinn on her Message Wall before posting an over-dramatic comment on our wiki.

There are some unspoken rules that come along as you talk to the pack. This is not a direct command, yet these rules will be followed.



Your Actions Are Dependent On This Scale

1)Demotion In Duties

2) Loss Of Privileges

3) Demoted

4) Ripped Ear/Ears

5) Nose Nipped

6) Scars

7) Mauled By Higher Rank Without Defense

8) Mauled By Pack

9) Mauled By All Cheifs

10) Paralyzed

11) Exiled

12) Death

«Attire Log»


Pelt Colors

Fox Haven Color Chart

Eye Colors

Fox Haven Eye Color Chart




Head: Skull Helmets, Spring Flower Crowns, or Nothing.

Neck: Spike Collars, Leaf Necklaces, or Nothing.

Back: Elf/Spartan Armor, Jamaaliday Bows, or Nothing.

Legs: Elf/Leaf braclets, Legendary Gloves, or Nothing.



Head: Fox Hat or nothing.

Neck: Pinecone Necklace, Scarves, Chained Necklace, Moon Necklace, or Nothing.

Back: Pirate Sword or Nothing.

Legs: Silver Glove(s), Freedom bands, or Nothing.


Any Rank Other Than Youth/Tyro <

Wolf transparent pic


Foxes graphic 3


Bunny hop

Any rank other than Youth/Tyro

Wolf transparent pic

Youth/Tyro> <

Bunny hop


«Server: Calle»


«The Humid Jungle»

TPOSF Jungle Image

This is a damp jungle, where it rains about every day. The jungle's river is rich with fish, and the land itself is often only covered in rats, snakes or sparrows. It is quite muddy, and it's the perfect area to have a fun day out!


Prey: Snakes, Rats, Mice, Sparrows, Catfish (River), Minnows (River), And Sardines (River).

Threats: Badgers, Poisonous Snakes, Snapping Turtles.

Herb Status: Decent


«Overgrown Terrain»

TPOSF Forest Image

This is a dry, yet flourishing forest of plants and herbs. The forest is full of prey, and has a plentiful amount of herbs to keep us up for a long time! This is a fun, safe place to rest and play around usually. Sometimes, though, we find badgers in this terrain, but we defend it will all our heart.

Sarepia Forest

Prey: Mice, Rats, Squirrels, Small Birds, Hawks, Deer, Elk, Chipmunks, Moles, Snakes.

Threats: Badgers, Poisonous Snakes, Hawks.

Herb Status: Plentiful


«High Desert»

TPOSF Main Canyons

This is a cracked canyon, with dusty floors to it. It doesn't have much prey there, but it has some of the tastiest for sure! It's quite bare here, with few herbs and barley any prey. However, it has good prey every once in a while.

Coral Canyons

Prey: Bison, Hawks, Eagles, Snakes.

Threats: Coyotes, Hawks, Eagles, Bison Herds, Poisonous Snakes.

Herb Status: Poor


«Sunning Stones»

TPOSF Canyon Rocks

This is a cracked canyon, with dusty floors to it. It doesn't have much prey there, but it has some of the tastiest for sure! It's quite bare here, with few herbs and barley any prey. However, it has good prey every once in a while.

Canyons Pathway

Prey: Rats, Snakes.

Threats: Coyotes, Poisonous Snakes.

Herb Status: Poor



Group Name CinderClan The Pack           of Shadowed Paws Hounds of     Odious MistClan (xxdancerzxx)
Main Leader's Name and User Castiel (moonstarkitty) Finn (RebelPerfecton) Pax (Warriorcatsivyleaf) Froststar


Orentation Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
Group Name AbyssClan HollowClan
Main Leader's Name and User Darkstar (fox0107) Apocalypse (Fromthebushes)
Orientation Light Neutral


None, and we'd like to keep it this way.

«Q & A»

How many OC's can we have?

You are allowed two OCs. You may delete one if you'd wish to make a different one.

What is our camp?

The camp is always at XxWolfeiexX's Den.

Can we have mates in other groups?

It depends on what group, and who it is. Only the Cheifs will allow certain relationships, cause it's their personal judgment.

Can I bring my friend into camp?

If we are doing RP, then no. Only allies and pack members are allowed to be in camp during RP. You can be excused from RP for a bit if it is an important discussion.

Can I take Vocab Lessons?

Yes! All you have to do is confront a Cheif/Monarch, asking if they, or one of your close friends, can be excused out of camp. There, a Cheif/Monarch (and if you choose a friend) will stay there, and help teach you vocabulary.

How many times can I leave?

You can leave 2 times, that's it. Once you leave a third time, you are never welcomed back. We like to give people chances to compare our family to other families, to judge which one they like better.

Am I allowed to edit the Wikia, even if I'm not on the list?

No. This is because if you publish an edit while someone else is working, it won't save. Unless a Cheif or page editor has asked you directly to edit something, do not. Even if you see someone begging to get their OC picture in, it can still mess up the Wikia.



~Pack members are ONLY allowed to do a quote!

" You can see your happiness when you stop looking for the eyes with impressed emotion from the ones who don't love you." ~Aislinn~

"You say I'm 'Anti-Social'. Am I? No. Im listening. Im observing. I'm waiting. Waiting for the day to come-When I have had enough, when I have been tired of being tied for too long. Waiting for the sounds to die out so I can stop blaming voices. Waiting for the visions to pause..- Just waiting. Waiting. And waiting.." -Imogen

Zaen- "Know that the pain will pass, and when it does you'll realize your stronger"

"Do Not Judge My Story By The Chapter You Walked In On"~ Malakai

Koro-"Some wise creatures once told me that brutality and savageness and cunning were adjectives and that they could describe anything. But what they did not truly know is that those words can only truly describe me."

Rune-"Love is not something you touch or see or even hear, I found this out when I felt loved by my parents, and that is how I realized that love is truly only a feeling, and it will pass, but fear will not pass, and when you see me, you shall forever feel fear."

Rune-"Though I may be small, in my diminutive bodice, I bestow more hostility and brutality than any large creature."

Rune-"I love my family and I care and protect them, but when it comes to traitors or creatures that want to hurt my family and pack, then they better never go to sleep again, or they shall never see daylight once more."

"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us, every day... unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear." ~ Bane

" Call me wat you want. Runt, Idiot, a petty feline, anything you can think of. But remember this: One day, you'll be sitting lonely and scared for what you've  done, and I will feast upon your sadness with my pack." ~ Aislinn ~

"Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait but more difficult to regret. " ~ Aislinn ~

"Your fears are your weakness, your ignorance is My advantage, Your thrown insults bounce back to you reflecting your nightmares run little one or death is coming to your hopeless aid."


-"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to be accepted by yourself." ~Zaen

-"I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, But who am I, I wonder." ~Zaen

-" You were given this life because you're strong enough to live it." ~Zaen

-" The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong" ~Riot

-" Why do you underestimate me. You think I'm just a tiny atom when really I'm an independent atom who cares for others, unlike you." ~Riot

-"I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise because I've been foolish" ~Zaen

-"Sometimes you have to be strong when you feel like giving up, have to fight when all you do is run away. Because sometimes it's all you can do to keep going" ~ Zaen

"We were never going to last. We both knew it. So, you went and took a knife to my back. You derivatively laughed in my face and watched as the pool of blood surrounded me, as I drowned in my sorrow and blood. We were never to last. We both knew it. So you decided to kill me, and the idea of me."~Alarii

"In The End, The Only Regrets We Have Are The Choices We Thought We Wouldn't Regret. From The Heart, Decide The Path You Will Take. You Will Regret Things You Thought You Didn't Think You'd Regret. You'd Wish You'd Taken That Path, But It Was Too Late. You Were Stuck In A Devastating Fantasy, And The Mocking Voices In Your Head Saying: "You're A Disgrace," "You Should Have Known," "You're A Devastation." They're Mocking You And Getting Louder With Each Step You Take. You Wish You Could Die And Have A Peaceful Sleep Where No One Would Bother You. They Seem To Be Screaming In Your Head As You Wish You Took The Path. But You Regret What You Thought You Wouldn't And That's What The Voices Are Saying. ~Shu"

Live your life in such a way that if somebody spoke badly of you, no one would believe it."'~Fawn

"Can you truly appreciate how special or beautiful something is if you don't know what it took to get it? If you never had to work for it?" ~Corrupt

"Don't depend too much on anyone in this world because even your shadow leaves you when you're in darkness." ~Corrupt

" She has a quiet confidence that screams loud. She is humble but strong. She is stable but rebellious. She is giving, but not naive. She chooses her battles wisely. She'll stay silent until its time to fight... and when that time comes; FIGHT, she does." ~Caeley<3



RP Scedule Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Pacific Time 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM 12:00 AM – 4:00 PM 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM 12:30 AM – 4:00 PM 12:00 AM – 5:30 PM 12:00 AM – 7:00PM 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Mountain Time 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1:00 AM – 5:00PM 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM 1:00 PM – 6:30 PM 1:30 PM – 8:00PM 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Central Time 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM 2:00 PM – 6:00PM 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM 2:00 PM – 7:30 PM 2:00PM – 9:00PM 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Eastern Time 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM 3:00 PM – 7:00PM 4:00 – 8:00 PM 3:30 PM – 7:00 PM 3:00 PM – 8:30 PM 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM




OC Name:

AJ Username:

Desired Rank:





OC Page(Not Required):

Personality And Description:

Roleplay Example:

Past Groups:

OC Picture:





Desired Rank:




Personality And Description:

AJ Username:

OC Picture:



OC Name:


Rank as of now:

Desired Rank:

RP Example of you carrying out that rank:

Why you think you deserve this rank:




Group name and link:

Leader's OC Name(s) And Username(s)

Second In Command's Name(s) And Username(s)

Roleplay Example From Leader:

Roleplay style:

Group Orientation:

Benefits for you:

Benefits for us:

Member count:

Should we hold Gatherings?:


Wiki User xXWolfastrophiccXx
Name Aislinn
Rank Cheif
AJ User XxWolfeiexX